Glazing Vision has spent the summer working with work experience students, work placements and interns to give them more understanding and practical experience in both our factory and office!

Work Experience at Glazing Vision


In today’s dynamic and competitive job market, gaining practical work experience has become an indispensable aspect of a young person’s career journey. Recently, our team welcomed three young people to join us at Glazing Vision for some hands-on experience working with different aspects of the company. Here is how that went!

At Glazing Vision, we recognise the significance of providing practical learning opportunities to the next generation, immersing them in the different areas of the glazing industry. Our commitment to fostering emerging talent has led us to open our doors and offer a transformative work experience program that resonates with the essence of Glazing Vision and help provide the experience young people are looking for.

For 4 weeks Glazing Vision welcomed Lily M, Oliver L and Damilola O to join the company and gain ‘hands on’ work experience. Oliver and Damilola continued our relationship with UTCN students after the ‘Find your future’ project.

Employer Engagement Coordinator, Amy Lerpiniere, continues to help match us with the right students.

“Glazing Vision have offered outstanding employer engagement opportunities for our students over the last 12 months. From work experience and T Level industry placements, to supporting our careers expo and delivering a superb Find Your Future project for year 12s, every interaction has been a great success! 

Over the last year, Glazing Vision have provided countless opportunities for our students and have been a real role model to all companies looking to engage with UTCN students.” – Amy Lerpiniere, UTCN.


Image Note: Jon Shooter with UTCN Students and Albert working on a X Vent Rooflight.


Oliver’s Work Placement and Damilola’s Work Experience


Both Oliver and Damilola worked closely with Michael Murphy, Electrical and Electronics Department Manager, and Mariusz Grzesiak, Electronics Technician.

Oliver worked in the Electronics department with a focus on Electrical Engineering. Whilst Damilola worked in multiple areas in the factory including one week with Quality, one week with Projects and two weeks with Electronics.

In Oliver’s first week he spent time learning and familiarising himself with our products to understand how they work and how they’re put together. He then spent the rest of his time working on a bespoke bi parting sliding rooflight and wiring a control box from start to finish using his own template. On his last week he tested his control box with a sliding rooflight and presented his experience to the Glazing Vision team.

Dami worked all over the factory due to working with a lot of different departments, as part of his T level course. Dami worked on tasks like programming the mechanisms and testing actuators with the Electronics Department. He checked quality standards were being met against the ISO9001 standard with the Quality Department. He was involved in explaining how the manual override process works for others in the Projects Department.

Part of Dami’s T level course with UTCN included a section about Quality Control, which he struggled to take an interest in, however doing it practically in the factory with the Glazing Vision’s team, he was able to apply his theory and get a real world understanding of its importance.


Image Note: Oliver working on his ‘controller’ and Dami changing a Skydoor mechanism.


Michael Murphy and I were asked to mentor Damilola O and later Oliver L. It was a great pleasure to work with them both. They are hardworking young adults, positive, with a can-do attitude and big future plans. Both remained professional throughout their time at Glazing Vision and possessed fantastic timekeeping skills despite living long distances away from Glazing Vision.

I wish Dami and Oliver all the best and I’m sure that the future they have planned will come true!” – Mariusz Grzesiak, Electronics Technician.


Image Note: Mario with Dami and Oliver, having engaged pupils helps Glazing Vision staff see the importance of their role.


Lily’s Internship


Lily worked with the marketing team to help push with the promotion of our Glazing Renovation brand online, consisting of brand awareness campaigns and website optimisation. She worked on a couple of different key aspects of marketing including; Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), social media marketing, Pay Per Click (PPC), re-design projects, email marketing and more.

Initially, Lily completed a competitor analysis for Glazing Renovations and spent time liaising with Directors and Managers to get a good understanding of the business and industry. We also tasked her with providing constructive feedback about the social media, website and downloadable content, whilst also exploring the User Experience (UX).

Lily then spent her second week working with Chloe Daniels, Marketing Executive, on the social media front. This consisted of analysising key metrics of other social media accounts Glazing Vision already owns, creating new social media accounts for Glazing Renovations, using those metrics to design audience targeted social posts, and finally scheduling and uploading these posts.


“I spent time working with Lily on social media marketing. Although Lily had to learn a new application, Canva, she jumped right into social media post design and implemented techniques she gathered from the metrics given to her about our target audience and overall social media performance of the Glazing Vision accounts. By the end of her experience, she was even able to confidently give input into my own designs for an upcoming promotional campaign, she was such a pleasure to work with!” – Chloe Daniels, Marketing Executive.


In her third week, Lily had a bigger focus on SEO, researching and writing her own blog posts and case studies for the Glazing Renovations website. These written content pieces will further help increase engagement, awareness and organic website traffic for Glazing Renovations.

Lastly, the focus then turned to Mailchimp and creating email campaigns for Glazing Renovations, as well as working with Lucy Walker, Marketing Manager, on researching a product launch for Glazing Vision. As well as presenting her feedback and experience to the Glazing Vision Board Members.


“It was great to have Lily join the team for 4 weeks. Lily settled into office life rather quickly, and despite this being a new environment to her she remained focused throughout her time at Glazing Vision and created lots of high-quality work. Lily also effectively presented to our board of Directors which I hope has helped boost her confidence. It was a joy to work with Lily!” – Lucy Walker, Marketing Manager.


Overall, everyone at the Glazing Vision team saw amazing potential in all of the individuals that joined us this summer for work experiences, work placements and internships. Below are a few words from others who also worked with our work experience students over the past couple of weeks and some feedback from the students themselves.



 I am always impressed with the standard of students that we get, their work ethic and keen interest in the company and our products is infectious and motivates others.” – Jon Shooter, Group Managing Director.



“it’s been inspiring to see the next generation of talent coming to Glazing Vision to discover the endless possibilities when it comes to taking their first steps onto the career ladder. We’ve welcomed highly enthusiastic and talented individuals who produced some great ideas whilst spending a few weeks with us.” – Craig Pollard, Group Financial Director.

Here is what all three had to say in their own words about their experience at Glazing Vision:

Are you a young person looking for opportunities? Contact