Le Cordon Bleu is a world renowned network of educational institutions dedicated to providing the highest level of culinary and hospitality instruction through world class programs. This multi-million pound development was constructed by Virtus Contracts Ltd, the brief was to build a state of the art education facility in the heart of the west end. Students come from all over the World undertaking catering programs in the famous art of French Le Cordon Bleu. This project involved building teaching kitchens, demonstration areas and training rooms on each of the six floors.
The facility is also complimented by a public cafe/patisserie and external eating area.
Glazing Vision was commissioned to manufacture two rooflights for the project, a Hydraulic hinged Skydoor offering roof top herb garden access. The second rooflight is one of our standard X-Vent (Automatic Opening Vent) for smoke ventilation. The rooflight is situation above a staircase that runs through the six floors of the building offering natural daylight throughout the staircase. The rooflight is linked to the building management system and will open in the case of a fire to keep the stair case smoke free.
1 No. Bespoke Hydraulic Hinged Skydoor Rooflight 2700mm x 1800mm
1 No. Electrically Hinged GV X-Vent (AOV) Rooflight 1400mm x 1400mm
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